International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

The Great Employ Jar Jar Binks Art Contest

Jar Jar Binks has had a number of jobs in the Star Wars universe, including Bombad General, Junior Representative of the Galactic Senate, and clown, but there are undoubtedly many other jobs that he would be equally adept at.

So we here at the International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day have decided to hold another contest, asking all of you skilled artists to envision Jar Jar Binks working other types of jobs. What if Jar Jar was a plumber? What if Jar Jar was a doctor? What if Jar Jar was a Bus Driver? The possibilities are endless and we want to see your artwork for these or other professions. 

If you’d like to participate, all you have to do is draw Jar Jar Binks employed at some sort of job, and then submit your image via email to:

If you have any additional information about your submission that you would like included when the image is voted upon, please provide it along with the image in your email.

Entries must be the original artwork of the submitter. Please keep artwork G-rated as the International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day website is a family site.

We’d love for as many people as possible to participate, as there’s a real dearth of Jar Jar Binks fan art out there and the world needs more!

We don’t have a huge budget but we are offering a few prizes for the entries that get the most votes.

Submission Start Date: Tuesday, March 20th, 2018

Submission End Date: Sunday, May 20th, 2018 ( all entries must be received by midnight)

Voting will begin on Friday, May 25th, 2018 on the International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day website, open to users of the website. Voting will end on Friday June 1st, 2018 at midnight, Eastern Time (ET). The winning entries will be posted on the International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks website and the winners will be notified via email on or about June 4th, 2018.

Grand Prize: 

10 Passes for Ripley’s Believe it or Not! Hollywood, CA (1 party of 10), no expiration date, up to $230 value (generously donated by Ripley’s Hollywood)

$25 Amazon gift Card (digital)

Second Prize:$10 Amazon gift Card (digital)

Third Prize:$5 Amazon gift Card (digital)

The Official International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Website is not affiliated with Lucasfilm or Disney in any way.


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