International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

Ahmed Best is considering a Phantom Menace 20 year tour in 2019

Yesterday morning, Ahmed Best, the man who brought Jar Jar Binks to life in the Star Wars prequel trilogy, announced on Twitter that he was thinking of going on an international tour to discuss 20 years of Jar Jar Binks in honor of The Phantom Menace’s 20th anniversary.

We here at the Official International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day website think that this is a great idea and hope Mr. Best does indeed go on this tour. If you haven’t already, please let him know on Twitter how much you’d like for this to happen, and let him know where you’d like to see him, and what you’d like him to talk about. We’re already thinking of all the questions we’d love to ask him if he comes to our area.

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