International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

Have a bombad Fourth of July!

Happy Independence Day everyone!

In honor of this holiday, we’ve translated Neil Diamond’s America into Gungan. Enjoy!


Wesa been travelin’ far 
Witout a home 
Boot nosa witout a star 
Only wanten tabe free 
Wesa huddle close 
Hang on ta a dream 

Onda boats un onda planes 
Theysa comen ta America 
Nebber lookin’ backin again 
Theysa comen ta America 

Home, it nosa seem so far away 
Oh, wesa travelin’ light today 
Inda eye of da storm 
Inda eye of da storm 

Home, ta a new un a shiny placen 
Make are-sa bed, un wesa’ll spake are-sa grace 
Freedom’s light burnin’ warm 
Freedom’s light burnin’ warm 

Ebberywhere around da world 
Theysa comen ta America 
Ebbery time dat flag’s unfurled
Theysa comen ta America

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