International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

The Week in Jar Jar: February 24th-March 2nd, 2019

Welcome to The Week in Jar Jar for February 24th to March 2nd!

There wasn’t too much Jar Jar Binks news this week, but Ahmed Best did release the 18th episode of his Field Notes series on YouTube. In the video, Ahmed talks about Frank Oz directing his One Man Show and how happy he is to be working with him, how he still feels fortunate despite all of the pain and sadness that came as a result of the backlash to Jar Jar, the importance of wonder to the character of Jar Jar and in life, and rediscovering his sense of play while working on his One Man Show. Be sure to give it a watch, as well as the other Field Notes.

In other news, has revealed the official artwork that will be available exclusively at Artist Alley during Star Wars Celebration Chicago. Despite there being prequel and Phantom Menace related art, there’s a real dearth of Jar Jar in the pieces. The one exception is Joey Spiotto’s “The Force Unites Us” which features all of Spiotto’s favorite characters from the three trilogies in one image.

If you’re heading to Chicago, maybe pick up the piece and let the artist know you appreciate him including our favorite Gungan!

And that’s about it for this week. If we missed something, let us know.

Did you see our latest Jar Jar haiku? If not check it out, and as always feel free to write and share your own haiku.

P.S. There are now only 170 days left until International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day!

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