International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

The Week in Jar Jar: June 2nd – June 8th, 2019

Welcome to The Week in Jar Jar for June 2nd through June 8th, 2019!

On Tuesday, Blast Points Podcast released an episode devoted to our favorite Gungan! The hosts discussed all things Jar Jar Binks and then featured some great listener voicemails and emails about Jar Jar. A few friends of ITLJJBD, LazyWampa and Mrs. Binks, even had their messages played/read. If you love Jar Jar – and if you’re reading this, you probably do – you should take a listen to the show!

One of the things discussed on the show, was a series of behind the scenes interviews Ahmed Best conducted during the making of Episode II. This prompted one listener who had saved those videos to CD to upload them to his YouTube account.

I don’t remember seeing these when they were originally posted on, but they’re fun to watch now. Ahmed seems to be having a good time.

This week Lucasfilm publicist Chris Argyropoulos posted a photo of a bunch of Jar Jar jars which are evidently available for purchase at the Lucasfilm company store.

I’d love to have one of these, or all of them, for the Jar Jar museum I eventually hope to build. If you are heading to the Lucasfilm store anytime soon, please pick up a few for me! Thanks!

On Friday, Nerdmatters released a Motion Capture Jar Jar Binks pin to their Etsy shop.

This would be another great additional to my hypothetical Jar Jar museum.

And that’s it for this week. Let mesa know what mesa missed!

P.S. Only 72 days until International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day!

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