International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

You can get a personalized video message from Ahmed Best and help support his one man show at the same time!

Exciting news everyone! You can now get a personalized video from the man who brought Jar Jar Binks to life himself. That’s right, Ahmed Best has signed up for Cameo, and he’ll record a message for you through the service for a nominal price!

Announced by Best yesterday on Twitter, this news is sure to delight Star Wars fans around the world.

Cameo, which was founded in 2017, is a platform where users can pay to have celebrities record personalized video messages for them. The rates for these recordings vary and are set by each celebrity. In the case of Mr. Best, you can get a video message for the reasonable price of $100, which is on the lower end of prices you can pay on the site. In contrast some celebrities ask for thousands of dollars for a few seconds of their time. 

Besides getting a message from one of your favorite Star Wars performers, you’ll also be helping Ahmed Best with the creation of his one man show if you purchase a video. For the last year and a half Best has been working on writing a solo show detailing his life and experiences with Jar Jar Binks and beyond. The message on his Cameo page states that “The money I raise here goes directly to that.” This solo show, which is being directed by Frank Oz, is sure to be entertaining and moving, and anything that helps get it out into the world is well worth it.

And of course, this news come at the perfect time of year. The holidays are right around the corner, and this would be a perfect gift for the Jar Jar Binks fan in your life or as a treat for yourself.

So if you have the means, you should definitely consider booking a personalized message from Mr. Best. And if you don’t have $100 for a personalized greeting, I’m sure even spreading the word will be of help.

We here at ITLJJBD will definitely be looking at the FY2020 budget to see if we can find the money to help support Ahmed Best and his show. Perhaps one of the ITLJJBD interns will be getting $100 less in their Christmas bonus, but I’m sure they won’t mind as it’s in support of a great cause! 

There’s no way of knowing how long Ahmed will be offering this service, so if you’re planning on purchasing a video, don’t delay! And if you do get a message, let us know how it goes


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