International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

Have a real bombad 6th annual International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day!

Heyo-dalee palos! It’s finally August 19th worldwide, which means wherever you are, it’s now time to celebrate the 6th annual International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day and start speaking like everybody’s favorite Gungan!


Call up your friends and family and speak Gungan at them. Send some emails in Gunganese to your work associates. If you’re seeing other people or having a small party to celebrate the holiday, remember to be safe, wear your mask, and social distance. 

Please share any examples of you participating in the holiday – videos, audio, screenshots, whataever, feel free to send them to us

Also, remember, it’s not just International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day, but it’s also Ahmed Best’s birthday! Make sure you wish Mr. Best a happy birthday!

And as always if you need help with your Gunganese, check out our Gungan Translator and Gungan Dictionary.

Have a bombad time today! Wesa love yousas! 

P.S. Be sure to vote for the winner in The Bombad Batch Art contest.

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