What is Jar Jar in a Car?
While many of you are probably familiar with the International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day tradition of Jar Jar in a Car, we’re aware that some people may have grown up in households which didn’t participate in this fun ITLJJBD season activity. So what exactly is Jar Jar in a Car?
Jar Jar in a Car is a centuries-old tradition, which, most historians agree, began sometime in the mid-1700s. The idea is simple: Jar Jar watches you and your children in the days leading up to International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day to ensure you are all practicing your Gungan in preparation for the Star Wars-related holiday. He then drives back to Otoh Gunga each night and reports back to Boss Nass on your activities. How much or how little you speak like Jar Jar each day, determines how many International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day presents you’ll get on August 19th.

You’re not allowed to touch the Jar Jar in a Car or you’ll destroy his Gungan magic, causing International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day to be canceled for your household for the year. In addition Boss Nass will come and eat your entire family, as well as any pets you may own. You can attempt to stave off these negative consequences by writing an apology letter to George Lucas. If the apology letter is accepted you will be permitted to participate in International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day again, and Boss Nass will only eat one member of your family. But he will still eat all of your pets.
Jar Jar in a Car is a great activity for the entire family! Parents love coming up with ingenious places to move the Jar Jar in a Car each and every night, and kids love being stared at and silently judged by a plastic Jar Jar Binks action figure, as well as living in fear of being devoured by Boss Nass. It’s a win-win for everybody!
Traditionally Jar Jar in a Car arrives on the last night of July/first morning of August so the kids will see the Jar Jar when they awaken. Jar Jar moves around each night to a different spot until International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day, when he returns home to Naboo. Careful though: if nobody finds the Jar Jar in a Car on his first day in the house, he’ll return back to Naboo that night, and Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day will be canceled for your family.
We hope that this has been informative for you and that you too will participate in Jar Jar in a Car this year!
Tags: gungan, international talk like jar jar binks day, jar jar, jar jar binks, jar jar in a car, talklikejarjarbinksday