International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

Tips for having an enjoyable International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

August 19th, International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day, is rapidly approaching. In preparation for the big day, we’ve put together this helpful guide to ensure that you get the most out of the holiday.

Brush up on your Gungan

If you’re going to talk like Jar Jar Binks for an entire day, it would be helpful if you actually knew how to do so. We have a number of resources here at the Official International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day website that can help you in your quest to become a better Jar Jar speaker. We have a Gungan dictionary, a list of all of Jar Jar’s movie and TV quotes, and a Gungan Translator available for your Gungan-speaking needs. 

Know your audience

Although we highly recommend speaking Gungan as much as possible on International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day, we also recognize that not everyone is a Jar Jar/Gungan fan. If you think that someone you are in the presence of may have an adverse reaction to hearing you talk like Jar Jar Binks, you might want to refrain from doing so. Or at the very least stand far enough away from that individual so that they can’t hit you when you do speak Gungan in front of them. We don’t want anyone punched or injured on International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day.

Be prepared to run

Even if you think everyone in the room is cool with you speaking like Jar Jar, you might still want to be ready to leave the area quickly. You never know when someone might just flip out on you for saying “yousa” or “bombad.” So, when you do speak in Gungan, maybe take a preemptive few steps back or just start running. Again, we don’t want anyone to be punched or injured on International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day!

Invite Ahmed Best to your International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day party

Who better to have as a guest at your International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day party than the man who brought Jar Jar Binks to life in the first place? But act quickly! There’s only one Ahmed Best, and millions of International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day parties. He can’t be at every single one, as much as he may want to be!

Put in your order for your Jar Jar-shaped cake now

You want to make sure that you give your favorite bakery enough time to make your Jar Jar–shaped cake in time for the holiday. There will be a lot of people placing orders for Jar Jar cakes, and the last thing you want is to have to settle for a pre-made off-the-shelf Boss Nass-shaped cake.

Do your International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day shopping early

In this go-go world that we live in, everyone is incredibly busy, and it’s easy to put off doing your International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day shopping until the last minute. But don’t expect to go to the stores on International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day Eve and be able to find all of the presents that you were hoping to buy for your friends and family. It’s best to do your shopping early, so you ensure you get your loved ones the Jar Jar Binks figures or cookie Jar Jars that they were expecting.

Make your International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day gifts by hand

Even better than buying your loved ones their International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day presents from the store, is making their presents yourself. Whether it be a papier-mâché Jar Jar for your brother or an origami Captain Tarpals for your cousin’s mailman, they’ll really appreciate the effort you put into making their gifts. In addition, you’ll be giving yourself the best International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day present of all: the ability to feel superior to everyone else.

Make your International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day cards from scratch

Sure, the easy thing to do would be to just go to Hallmark and buy a pack of 50 International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day Greeting cards, and send them out to your loved ones. But, just like making your own presents, what would really show everyone that you care, would be if you created each card by hand and wrote a personalized note to your loved ones (in Gunganese, of course). International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day only comes around once a year, and isn’t it worth taking the extra time to show your friends and family how much they mean to you? 

Don’t go crazy with the International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day decorations

While everyone loves decorating for International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day, there is a tendency for people to overdue it. You want to put up enough decorations to show that you have the International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day spirit, but you don’t want your house to look gaudy. So hang up Jar Jar shaped lights all along the outside of your house, but maybe only put out 2 inflatable Jar Jar Binkses on your lawn instead of the 5 or 10 you really want to. Or show some restraint and buy the 7-foot tall Jar Jar Binks replica to hang your Jar Jar shaped ornaments on, instead of the 15-foot one which you’d have trouble fitting in your living room anyway. Remember to think big, but also to think small! 

Make sure you remember the true meaning of International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day is not about the presents or the greeting cards or the indoor barbecues or the piñatas or the alcohol drinking! International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day is about talking like Jar Jar Binks. Lose sight of that at your own peril! 

Remember to have fun

Above all things, International Talk like Jar Jar Binks Day is about having an enjoyable time. While it’s easy to forget this in the hub bub, the preparation for, and the excitement of the holiday, none of it matters if you’re too stressed out to enjoy talking like your favorite Star Wars character. So relax, be ‘so smilen’, and just take it all in. Otherwise, what’s the point of any of it?

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