International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

Have a super bombad 9th International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day!

Well, well, well… Hey, hey, hey… It’s the 9th International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day today!

Happy Talk Like Jar Jar Binks day

So what does that mean? You’re now legally and morally obligated to speak Gunganese all day. Or at least a little bit. Go on Twitter, Facebook, Friendster, Mastodon, the Jeremy Renner app, Bluesky, MySpace, YouTube, TikTok, or whatever social media site you frequent, and have an enjoyable time interacting with your friends, family, and followers in Gungan.

As always, we have the best resources available on the internet to help with your Gungan-speaking. Check out ourĀ Gungan Translator andĀ Gungan Dictionary.

You can get in the mood for the holiday by listening to our friend Bobby Lopez’s song Cousin Jar Jar.

You should also listen to our recent Jar Jar-related interviews if you haven’t done so.

Of course, we’d love to know how you’re participating in the holiday – videos, voice recordings, screenshots, whatever, feel free to send them to us!

Since it’s International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day, it also means that it is Ahmed Best’s birthday, since the two days are one and the same. So take some time to wish Ahmed Best a bombad birthday!

Have a bombad time today! Wesa luv yousas!

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