International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

Smilen New Year!

A New Year is upon us. Which means we can now say that the next International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day is this year! Only 230 days to go![]

Here’s the best way to spend New Year’s Eve

What’s the best way to spend New Year’s Eve? By putting in your Phantom Menace Blu-ray, and starting it at the exact right time to hear Jar Jar Binks say “heyblibber” as the clock hits midnight! Happy New Year’s Eve everybody![]

Have a Bombad Christmas everybody!

Merry Christmas everybody! Here are the Jar Jar Christmas E-cards you were probably looking for! It’s not too late to let your friends and family know you care-ish.[]

Have a Bombad Festivus!

Happy Festivus palos! When you’re airing your grievances with your friends and family today, consider doing so in Gunganese. It’s much more effective that way![]

Lucasfilm Holiday cards featured on (including one with Jar Jar), arguably one of the more official Star Wars sites out there, recently posted a bunch of Lucasfilm Christmas/Holiday cards from the last 40 years. There’s a lot of great artwork from artists such as Ralph McQuarrie and Doug Chiang, so you should check it out.[]

Let it Snow lyrics in Gungan

We continue translating classic holiday songs into Gunganese with “Let it Snow.” Enjoy.[]

Jar Jar Binks at The Last Jedi screening

You may remember a few weeks ago when we posted about Kyle Lusignan, who had modified a Jar Jar statue into a wearable Jar Jar costume. Well Kyle recently wore his Jar Jar costume to the theater when he went to see The Last Jedi and he shared some video with us of the event. The fans really seemed to love him! Check out the videos below.[]

It’sa beginnin’ ta lookee mooie-mooie liken Christmas lyrics

As Christmas rapidly approaches we’ve decided to translate some of the most popular holiday songs into Gunganese for you to sing while opening presents with your loved ones. Here’s “It’s Beginning to look a lot like Christmas” in Gungan.[]

8 months until International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day!

Only 8 months until the 3rd annual International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day, on August 19th, 2018! Mark your calendars! I bet this year we’ll break into the double digits of Jar Jar Binks talkers![]

The Great Heyblibber Contest Winner

So the Great Heyblibber Contest has ended and we have a winner! We only received one entry, so no need for voting, but luckily it’s a great entry! This is the “Blibbah-Blabbah” submitted by user uck_ashion on Twitter.[]