International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

New Gungan Translator to convert your phrases into Gungan

Hey everyone, we’ve built a Gungan Translator and added it right here on the Official International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day page! So if you need to figure out how you’d say something like Jar Jar would, you can just visit the translator, enter whatever text you want to translate in English and then have it translated into Gungan with the simple click of a button. We hope you find this tool useful! Let us know what you think![]

Have a Bombad International Kissing Day!

So apparently today is International Kissing Day! Now there have been a LOT of great kisses in the Star Wars universe – Han and Leia on Bespin, Luke and Leia on Hoth, Padme and Anakin on Geonosis – but no kiss is more memorable than the one between Jar Jar Binks and Queen Julia from the Clone Wars Episode: The Disappeared Part 1. When Jar Jar goes to Bardata to help Queen Julia in a time of need, the two share a very passionate kiss during their first moment alone. I like to imagine that Jar Jar and Queen Julia ended up together after the events of Revenge of the Sith, and had a happy life together, but we might never know what happened for sure. In any case, we hope you have an enjoyable International Kissing Day.[]

Jar Jar Haiku #7

Our seventh Jar Jar Binks themed haiku laments the lack of screen time given to our Gungan friend in Revenge of the Sith. Enjoy![]

Have a smilen Fourth of July!

Happy Independence Day everyone! If you live in the United States we hope you’re spending the day eating hot dogs and hamburgers, shooting off fireworks, and thinking about how lucky you are to live in a country where it’s legal to speak like Jar Jar Binks whenever you want.[]

Where’s Jar Jar?

Can you find Jar Jar Binks in this sea of Bombad Warriors? If so, comment “Mesa found Jar Jar!” in the comments section below![]

Time-sa demands Boss Lyonie destroy Fake magazine covers

In what can only be described as yet another embarrassment in a long line of embarrassments, Boss Lyonie’s fledgling administration has once again been rocked by scandal. []

50 days until International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day!

Yousa tinking yousa people ganna die, but mesa tinking deysa ganna celebrate International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day in 50 days![]

Dissatisfaction: Who said it better?

Who expressed their dissatisfaction with a particular situation better? Jar Jar or his old buddy Annie (Darth Vader)?[]

Star Wars TV Shows: Whosa da Boss?

When a Gungan Boss moves from the swamps of Naboo to the upscale Connecticut suburbs to take a job as a housekeeper to try and give his daughter a better life it’s… Whosa da Boss?[]

Only 2 more months until International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day!

That’s right! Only 2 more months until everybody’s favorite new Star Wars holiday! How will you be spending it?[]