International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

The Bombad Batch Art Contest

Announcing The Bombad Batch Art Contest.[]

The Great Employ Jar Jar Binks Art Contest

Jar Jar Binks has had a number of jobs in the Star Wars universe, including Bombad General, Junior Representative of the Galactic Senate, and clown, but there are undoubtedly many other jobs that he would be equally adept at.[]

The Great Heyblibber Contest Information

Draw/illustrate a Heyblibber, which has been described as a luxury version of a bongo. Jar Jar Binks mentions crashing da bosses heyblibber  in The Phantom Menace, but we never get to see one on film.  Your artwork can either be based on existing heyblibber images or be your own design of what YOU imagine a heyblibber would like like. Then submit your image via email to:[]

The Great Heyblibber Contest

Hey everyone! We here at the Official International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day website have decided to hold a contest to see who amongst all you very creative individuals can create the best illustration of what you think a heyblibber looks like.[]