International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

Jar Jar Binks at The Last Jedi screening

You may remember a few weeks ago when we posted about Kyle Lusignan, who had modified a Jar Jar statue into a wearable Jar Jar costume. Well Kyle recently wore his Jar Jar costume to the theater when he went to see The Last Jedi and he shared some video with us of the event. The fans really seemed to love him! Check out the videos below.[]

Check out this Great Jar Jar costume!

There’s one more Jar Jar cosplayer out there and the world is a better place for it! Kyle Lusignan, a Star Wars fan from Texas, recently obtained a promotional Jar Jar Binks statue, manufactured by Pepsi Co. and Frito Lay back in 1999 for The Phantom Menace release, and modified it so he could wear it as a costume. It took Lusignan about 2 weeks to convert the statue into a wearable form, and the pictures and videos of his recent test fitting proved to be pretty popular when he shared them on Facebook. Mr. Lusignan also shared a bunch of his photos with us, and you can see them here.[]