International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

I Will Always Love You lyrics, in Gungan

I’ve been enjoying listening to the new podcast Dolly Parton’s America over the last few weeks. The second episode went into detail about how Dolly ended up writing the classic song “I Will Always Love You.” Naturally I couldn’t help but wonder what that song would sound like if it was translated into Gungan. So that’s what I did. Here are the Gunganese lyrics to “Mesa Will Always Luv Yousa.” Enjoy![]

Whiskey inda Jar Jar lyrics

Top o’ da Heyblibber ta ya! It’s Saint Patrick’s Day and we hope you have a bombad one! In honor of the holiday, we’re providing you the lyrics to the classic Gungan-Irish song, “Whiskey inda Jar Jar!” Enjoy.[]

It’sa beginnin’ ta lookee mooie-mooie liken Christmas lyrics

As Christmas rapidly approaches we’ve decided to translate some of the most popular holiday songs into Gunganese for you to sing while opening presents with your loved ones. Here’s “It’s Beginning to look a lot like Christmas” in Gungan.[]

Da Sounds of Silence Lyrics

Continuing our quest to convert every song into Gunganese, here are the lyrics to The Sounds of Silence by Simon & Garfunkel if it was sung by Jar Jar:[]