International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

Make sure “heyblibber” is the first thing you hear in 2021

Happy New Year’s Eve everyone! Say goodbye to 2020, and hello to 2021 in the best way possible – by ensuring the first thing you hear in the New Year is Jar Jar Binks saying “heyblibber” as the clock hits midnight![]

Celebrate the new decade the best way possible!

What’s the best way to celebrate the start of a brand new decade? By putting in your Phantom Menace Blu-ray tonight and starting it at the exact right time to hear Jar Jar Binks say “heyblibber” as we enter the 2020s![]

Here’s the best way to spend New Year’s Eve

What’s the best way to spend New Year’s Eve? By putting in your Phantom Menace Blu-ray, and starting it at the exact right time to hear Jar Jar Binks say “heyblibber” as the clock hits midnight! Happy New Year’s Eve everybody![]