International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

Jar Jar Sitcom poll

We’ve put together a poll, asking what common TV sitcom trope Jar Jar would most likely be involved in, were he on a sitcom. Take the poll and let us know.[]

Do you plan on participating in this year’s International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day?

With the second annual International Talk Like Jar Jar Day rapidly approaching, we decided to create a poll to find out how many of you plan on participating in this year’s event.[]

Who is Jar Jar’s best palo? poll

The Gungan people are not only grand warriors, but they also have a grand amount of wisdom![]

Jar Jar Shipping poll

Ever since Jar Jar Binks made his first on screen appearance in the Phantom Menace in 1999, fans everywhere have been “shipping” him with various other characters.[]