International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

You can get a personalized video message from Ahmed Best and help support his one man show at the same time!

Exciting news everyone! You can now get a personalized video from the man who brought Jar Jar Binks to life himself. That’s right, Ahmed Best has signed up for Cameo, and he’ll record a message for you through the service for a nominal price![]

Frozen 2 co-songwriter was also ‘Cousin’ Jar Jar

Frozen 2 is out today in the U.S. and many markets. The follow up to smash 2013 film Frozen, the film once again features numerous songs composed by Kristen Anderson-Lopez and her husband Robert Lopez.[]

I Will Always Love You lyrics, in Gungan

I’ve been enjoying listening to the new podcast Dolly Parton’s America over the last few weeks. The second episode went into detail about how Dolly ended up writing the classic song “I Will Always Love You.” Naturally I couldn’t help but wonder what that song would sound like if it was translated into Gungan. So that’s what I did. Here are the Gunganese lyrics to “Mesa Will Always Luv Yousa.” Enjoy![]

Star Wars: Age Of The Republic Special #1 Audio Comic

Back in January, Star Wars: Age Of The Republic Special #1 was released. This issue is famous for featuring Jar Jar Binks yielding a lightsaber (fueling more Darth Jar Jar speculation) and saving Captain Rex from some battle droids.[]

Soundtrack from Galaxy’s Edge now available

Available on various platforms starting today, September 6th, is Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge – Oga’s Cantina: R-3X’s Playlist #1, featuring 18 tracks from the new Star Wars themed land located at Walt Disney World and Disneyland.[]

Fourth International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day Review

The Fourth Annual International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day is now officially in the books. On August 19th, 2019 people from all over the world took part in the most Gunganiest day of the year and spoke like their favorite Gungan![]

Have a bombad International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day 2019!

Okeyday, tis now August 19th worldwide, which means anywhere yousa is, tis da fourth International Spake Liken Jar Jar Binks Day! So time ta start spaking liken are-sa favorite Gungan![]

Happy International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day Eve 2019!

Well, we’re almost there! Tomorrow is International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day, which means today is ITLJJBD Eve![]

Does Jar Jar exclaim ‘Wesa Free!’ at the end of Return of the Jedi or what?

In the Return of the Jedi DVD edition (and beyond) there’s a brief scene which shows the inhabitants of Naboo celebrating the fall of the Galactic Empire. Gungans can be seen amongst the celebrants, and one of them even shouts out an exuberant “Wesa Free!”[]

Heyblabber Podcast Episode 5 now available for listening

The fifth episode of Heyblabber Podcast, The Most Gunganiest Time of the Year is now available to listen to![]