International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

Winners Announced in The Great Cousin Jar Jar Art Contest!

Bombad International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day palos! Voting in the The Great Cousin Jar Jar Art Contest is now over!

Coming in first place is Tim Schneider! In second place is Lucy (Wüg)! Third place goes to Kayla Jett!

Congratulations to all contestants for submitting excellent Cousin Jar Jar artwork and participating in the contest! We loved seeing the different interpretations of the classic song. We will be reaching out to the winners with prize information.

In case you want to see the artwork again, you can check out the submissions below.

Tim Schneider’s Website

From the artist: “Coruscant is a big place, and Senator Binks had hoped to be able to enjoy some lower-level night club’s more-relaxed vibe, get down and funky on the dancefloor (so much more fun than the stuffy senatorial parties and posh shindigs he was stuck going to while Senator Padme was off galavanting around the Galaxy with her Jedi palos) without being recognized. Too bad his telltale tongue and flapping haillus made that impossible. And then there was the singing… From the look of that cambot, his antics are about to be on the HoloNet News! Best of luck to all entries, and happy dancing!”

From the artist: “The characters and location here are loosely based on those from the Galactic Starcruiser as, like most folks, I’ve been watching the masterpiece Jenny Nicholson exposé – and it’s the only known canonical way to get from the Star Wars Universe to Brooklyn!”

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