International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

Who is Jar Jar's best palo? Poll Results

Jar Jar interacts with a lot of characters in the Star Wars universe, and he's really good friends with a lot of them, but which one of them do you think is his BEST friend?

Sheev Palpatine : 18.79% (28 votes)


Anakin Skywalker : 18.79% (28 votes)


Padmé Amidala : 17.45% (26 votes)


Qui-Gon Jinn : 16.11% (24 votes)


Captain Tarpals : 14.09% (21 votes)


Mace Windu : 7.38% (11 votes)


Obi-Wan Kenobi : 3.36% (5 votes)


Boss Nass : 2.01% (3 votes)


Peppi Bow : 1.34% (2 votes)


Boss Lyonie : 0.67% (1 vote)


: 0% (0 vote)


Total Votes: 149