International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

Journal of the Whills entries about Jar Jar Binks

The Journal of the Whills was not only written about the Skywalkers and the Jedi, contrary to what you may think. There were many many volumes written about all of the important events of the galaxy. There were even entries written about our favorite Gungan Jar Jar Binks. So we went through the Journal of the Whills and pulled out some of the most important Jar Jar related texts. Enjoy.

And in the time of darkest turmoil, there is one who can unite the planet's people and save them, and he shall be known as: THE CRASHER OF HEYBLIBBERS - Journal of the Whills, 48:821

Often those who seem insignificant can be more bombad tan they appear - Journal of the Whills, 21:1089

He was in the incorrect place, at an inopportune time. Naturally he boomed da gasser and crashed der bosses heyblibber - Journal of the Whills, 8:157 

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