International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

Interest in a Boss Nass film at an all time high

This week Disney announced the release dates for the next 3 Star Wars films after The Rise of Skywalker. These films, each listed as “Untitled Star Wars”, will debut in December 2022, 2024, 2026.

While no other information has been officially announced yet, many people are speculating on what these films will be and who will be making them. Will they be part of Rian Johnson’s announced trilogy or Benioff & Weiss’s series of films? Maybe films from other directors that haven’t been announced? Maybe some combination of all of the above? We’ll find out soon enough.

I took this opportunity to ask Star Wars leader Matt Martin which of these films will be the Boss Nass film, something he previously brought up when I asked where I could see an image of a heyblibber.

Martin responded that the Boss Nass story is not just one film, or even a trilogy, but the next 9 film saga, after the Skywalker saga concludes.

While all of this is probably in jest, because after all it’s unlikely that someone from Lucasfilm would reveal otherwise unannounced Star Wars film information to me on Twitter, it should be noted that my tweet has gotten more likes than probably anything else I’ve ever posted on that site – over a 100 as of this writing. Who even knew that that many people were on Twitter, or even the Internet?

This indicates that there is some definite interest in seeing Boss Nass explored further. Hopefully Lucasfilm will take note of this, and consider developing some further Boss Nass stories, if they aren’t already.

What would you like a Boss Nass movie, or 9, to explore? Boss Nass pre-Phantom Menace, or post? Boss Nass’ rise to leadership? His power struggle with Boss Lyonie? His search for the other Ankura Gungans? Fun adventures with Jar Jar involving crashed heyblibbers and boomed gassers? Let us know!

And again, this is all likely a joke, at least at this point. But remember, there’s some truth to every joke. Except maybe the Bavarian cream pie joke I told you about. Nobody with a terminal illness goes from the United States to Europe for a piece of Bavarian cream pie and then when they get there and they don’t have it he says “Aw, I’ll just have some coffee.” There’s no truth to that.

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