International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

Kanjiklub Quotes #1

One of the most popular movies amongst the Gungan people is “Kanjiklub” which features Jar Jar Binks infiltrating the notorious criminal organization is his quest to help take down the Empire. Below are some of the most iconic quotes from this movie.

Mesa Jar Jar’s so smirken revenge - Kanjiklub

Mesa Jar Jar’s mooie-mooie lacka surprise - Kanjiklub

Mesa Jar Jar's bombad sense du rejection - Kanjiklub

Da firstest rule of Kanjiklub is: Yousa do notsa spake abouten Kanjiklub. Da second rule of Kanjiklub is: Yousa do notsa spake abouten Kanjiklub. Third rule of Kanjiklub: Someone yells stoppa, goes limp, taps out, Kanjiklub is over. 
Fourth rule: Only duey hisens ta a Kanji. - Kanjiklub

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