International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

Ask Mesa About ITLJJBD buttons available

I’ve wanted to make some merchandise to promote International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day for awhile, and I finally went ahead and did so a few weeks ago. I ordered a box full of these “Ask Mesa About ITLJJBD” buttons to help get the word out about our favorite Star Wars related holiday.

If you’d like to be a walking advertisement for International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day and/or would like a handful of these buttons to hand out at future conventions (Like Star Wars Celebration 2020 in Anaheim) then send me an email and I can mail some out to you for a nominal fee.

I’d also like to thank the gang in the ITLJJBD Discord server for suggesting I change “Ask Me”, like I originally had it, to the much more appropriate “Ask Mesa.” If you’d like to join the friendliest Jar Jar Binks related Discord Server in existence, shoot me a message and I can send you the link.

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