International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

I Will Always Love You lyrics, in Gungan

I’ve been enjoying listening to the new podcast Dolly Parton’s America over the last few weeks. The second episode went into detail about how Dolly ended up writing the classic song “I Will Always Love You.” Naturally I couldn’t help but wonder what that song would sound like if it was translated into Gungan. So that’s what I did. Here are the Gunganese lyrics to “Mesa Will Always Luv Yousa.” Enjoy!

Mesa Will Always Luv Yousa

Iffen Mesa should stay
Mesa would only besa in yousa way
So Mesa’ll goen, boot Mesa know
Mesa’ll tink of yousa each step of da way

Un Mesa will always luv yousa
Mesa will always luv yousa

Bombad-ish head thoughts
Dat’s all Mesa takin’ wit my
Bombadbye, pleeese do notsa cry
Wesa both know dat Mesa notsa whata yousa need

Un Mesa will always luv yousa
Mesa will always luv yousa

Mesa hope life umi-yumis yousa kind
Un Mesa hope dat yousa haf all
Dat yousa ebber dreamed of
Un Mesa wish yousa heyblibbers un smilen’ness
Boot above all-n dis, Mesa wish yousa luv

Un Mesa will always luv yousa
Mesa will always luv yousa
Mesa will always luv yousa

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