International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

Winners Announced in the Great Gungan Babies Art Contest!

Voting in the Great Gungan Babies Art Contest is now over.

Coming in first place and winning the grand prize is Baron Hoppe, second place is Little7om, and third place is Jamie Cosley!

Congrats to all 3 contestants for submitting wonderful Gungan Babies artwork and participating in the contest! All 3 pieces were great!

You can check out the submissions below.

First Place:

Submission from Baron Hoppe

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From the artist: “I had a lot of fun creating this art piece! Reimagining the gungans we all love in fun “Muppet Babies” situations had my creative juices flowing! I decided to show a frightening monkey-lizard-in-a-box scaring young Jar Jar, causing him to destroy the aurebesh learning blocks that were neatly stacked up by Baby Boss Nass, Little Miss Peppi Bow, and Kid Tarpals. This is mixed media art consisting of watercolor paints, colored pencils, and pen. You can find more of my art on Instagram and Twitter as @BarrenSloppy”

Second Place:

Submission from Little7om

Third Place: 

Submission from Jamie Cosley

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