International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

Check out this bombad Jar Jar Binks shaped cake!

Our friends at the Scum and Villainy Cantina in Hollywood, California recently received the most bombad birthday gift ever: a Jar Jar Binks cake!

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J.C. Reifenberg, owner of the Cantina, is a well known Jar Jar Binks fan, and the Gungan shaped cake was commissioned by friend of the bar, Sherwin Kuo, for the 4th anniversary of the bar’s opening.

The cake was created by Grace, a baker, artist, actor, and cosplayer. The body was triple chocolate flavored and the head was made of Rice Krispies Treats. It took about 4 days from start to finish to make.

Grace posted several images of the cake’s progress on Twitter, which you can check out below. 

Grace has created many other awesome cakes including Star Wars related ones like R2-D2 and an AT-AT.

The cake was cut on the weekend following the 4th anniversary celebration. You can watch the video below.

We think the cake looked awesome, and we’re sure that it tasted delicious. If you’re interested in having a Jar Jar shaped cake for YOUR International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day celebration, reach out to Grace, but hurry, as ITLJJBD is only 4 months away!

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