International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

Jar Jar Binks Quote of the Day now available

Going forward, we’re going to be posting a daily “Jar Jar Binks Quote of the Day” here on the website, and also on Twitter. All we ask of you, loyal reader, is that you review the quote each day, and spend a good 10 minutes (or more) thinking about it and reflecting on how it pertains to you and your life. Then write a poem or draw a picture about it, or something, and send it to us.

There are unfortunately only so many Jar Jar Binks quotes, so eventually they’ll repeat, but it’ll be at least a year and a half before that happens. We’re also going to be working on expanding our database of Jar Jar Binks quotes. Thus far we’ve only collected quotes from the films or TV shows. We’re going to be adding quotes from comics and books (both canon and not so canon anymore) and anything else we can find. Hopefully more Jar Jar content will be created in the coming years as well. New comics or book appearances. And of course the dream: Jar Jar’s own Disney+ series.

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