International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

Jar Jar confirmed for ‘significant’ role in The Last Jedi

We here at the official International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day website are pleased to be the first to confirm that Jar Jar Binks WILL make an appearance in Star Wars: Episode VIII: The Last Jedi. Although some have speculated that Binks would make a return appearance in the film, it’s been kept relatively quiet thus far.

Now we’ve finally been able to verify with a source close to the production that Jar Jar will have a fairly important role in the movie. From our source, speaking on condition of anonymity:

“Kylo Ren, in an attempt to better understand his Grandfather, goes off in search of those who knew Anakin Skywalker when he was younger. One of the individuals he seeks out is none other than Jar Jar Binks, once again portrayed by Ahmed Best. Ren manages to find the disgraced Gungan Senator, but gets much more than he bargained for. He doesn’t have a lot of screen time in [The Last] Jedi, but his role is significant and there are rumblings that he will return for an even bigger role in Episode IX.”

This tantalizing bit of information has us super excited and very curious. Does Ren getting “much more than he bargained for” mean that Binks will indeed turn out to be more than just a bumbling but good hearted Gungan and be revealed as a Sith Lord or Emperor’s hand, like has been speculated on the Internet over the past year or so? Or does it just mean Jar Jar gives Ren a great big hug? We don’t know, but we’re working hard to uncover additional information, so keep checking back here over the coming weeks. If you have any thoughts on what this news might mean, let us know!

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