International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

May you have an enjoyable Fourth day of May!

Today is the 4th of May, a day that, in recent years has come to be associated with Star Wars. Although it’s a lesser Star Wars related holiday than International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day, which occurs August 19th every year, it is still a Star Wars related day.

As such, it’s a good (dare I say bombad) opportunity for all of us to spread the word about International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day. So while you’re out there in the world today and someone starts talking Star Wars at you, make you sure you remind them about the REAL important Star Wars holiday, International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day.

And remember, just because it isn’t officially Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day, you should still feel free to speak like Jar Jar. People always ask us if it’s OK to talk like Jar Jar on any other day than the official holiday and the answer to that is “of course it’s fine!” You can speak like Jar Jar any day or time that the feeling moves you. It’s just mandatory that you speak like him on August 19th. 

And as a special treat, we’ve put together some May Da Fourth Jar Jar related E-cards together for you to send to your friends. Please send them to anyone you care, or don’t care, about!

May the bombad Force, of Others, be with yousa!

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