International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

Cousin Jar Jar lyrics

As you may or may not know, the official song of International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day is the Meco classic “Cousin Jar Jar.” (It’s in our FAQ.) This song, which details Jar Jar’s adventures in a night club, is possibly the greatest song about Jar Jar ever released. However, if you try to find the lyrics to the song on the Internet, it proves impossible. (Also impossible – finding somewhere to purchase the song.)

So we here at the Official International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day page decided to transcribe the song. It took a few hundred listens, but we think we’ve gotten it mostly right. If you think we misheard a lyric or missed something, please do let us know. And if you’re Meco or Robert Lopez or someone else who worked on the song, please drop us a line, we’d love to discuss the song with you!

Singer: Look who’s here! Jar Jar Binks. Jar Jar Binks! It’s so good to see you!

Singer: Come on in! Jar Jar Binks! Jar Jar Binks!

Singer: When did you get in from Naboo?

Singer: Look who’s here! Jar Jar Binks. Jar Jar Binks.

Jar Jar: Who mesa?

Singer: It’s so good to see you!

Jar Jar: Nooo!

Singer: Come on in! Jar Jar Binks! Jar Jar Binks!

Jar Jar: Mesa no Jar Jar!

Singer: When did you get in from Naboo?

Singer: Jar Jar!

Jar Jar: Hide-o, Mesa Jar Jar?

Jar Jar: Mesa no Jar Jar.

Jar Jar: Mesa friend of Jar Jar.

Jar Jar: Jar Jar mesa cousin okeyday? 

Jar Jar: Yeah, sure, that’s the ticket, hesa mesa cousin!

Jar Jar: Jar Jar, my know Jar Jar, so when mesa see him mesa say yousa sayin hi!

Jar Jar: Oh no, uh oh!

Jar Jar: Mesa gotta go, Mesa gotta run, mesa gotta fly, Bye!

Singer: Come on in! 

Singer: Come on dance!

Singer: Jar Jar – Come on in! Jar Jar Binks! Jar Jar Binks!

Jar Jar: No thank yousa!

Singer:  Get up show us some moves!

Jar Jar: No!

Singer: Come on dance. Jar Jar Binks. Jar Jar Binks.

Jar Jar: My no think so!

Singer: Get into a Gungan groove!

Jar Jar: Excueeze me – mesa talkin to the wall, yousa havin’ trouble hearin, what’s wrong ya’ll?

Jar Jar: Didn’t yousa hearin’ what mesa just say?

Jar Jar: Jar Jar mesa cousin, okeyday?

Jar Jar: Hey!

Jar Jar: Mesa don’t dance, mesa berry bad, mesa berry berry bad, might fall on mesa face!

Jar Jar: Theresa no chance yousa get me on the floor!

Jar Jar: Mesa hearin Macarena, mesa heading for the DOOR!

Singer: Come on dance. Jar Jar Binks. Jar Jar Binks.

Singer: Get up show us some moves!

Singer: Come on dance. Jar Jar Binks. Jar Jar Binks.

Singer: What’s the plot of Episode II?

Jar Jar: My no know!

Singer: We all know it’s you now, Jar Jar please don’t make us laugh.

Singer:  Jar Jar, you come back here, we all want your autograph!

Jar Jar: How wude!

Jar Jar: Thissen fun!

Jar Jar: Oh watch me go!

Singer: Come on dance. Jar Jar Binks! Jar Jar Binks!

Singer: Get up show us some moves!

Singer: Come on dance. Jar Jar Binks. Jar Jar Binks.

Singer: What’s the plot of Episode II?

Jar Jar: Oh maxibig da Force!

Singer: Look who’s here. Jar Jar Binks. Jar Jar Binks.

Singer: It’s so good to see you.

Jar Jar: Mesa dancin’ now!

Singer: Come on in. Jar Jar Binks. Jar Jar Binks.

Singer: When did you get in from Naboo?

Jar Jar: Uh oh mesa fallin’!

Singer: Come on. Jar Jar you’re the star of the starship, ain’t nothing more to say.

Singer: Come on. Jar Jar take me home to your galaxy far far away!

Jar Jar: Oh!

Singer: Jar Jar you’re the star of the starship, ain’t nothing more to say.

Singer: Jar Jar take me home to your galaxy far far away!

Jar Jar: Watch mesa go!

Singer: Come on dance. Jar Jar Binks, Jar Jar Binks!

Singer: Get up show us some moves!

Jar Jar: Tis demanded by the Gods it is!

Singer: Come on dance. Jar Jar Binks. Jar Jar Binks.

Singer: What’s the plot of Episode II?

Jar Jar: My no know!

Singer: Look who’s here. Jar Jar Binks. Jar Jar Binks.

Singer: It’s so good to see you!

Jar Jar: Thisa longo song

Singer: Come on in. Jar Jar Binks. Jar Jar Binks.

Singer: When did you get in from Naboo?

Singer: Come on. Jar Jar you’re the star of the starship, ain’t nothing more to say.

Jar Jar: How many bars dissa have left?

Singer: Come on. Jar Jar take me home to your galaxy far far away!

Jar Jar: Mesa goin home now! Mesa goin ta Brooklyn!



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