International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

Gungan sayings for the office, Part 1

International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day is in only 5 more days. In order to prepare for this momentous occasion we’ve put together a list of common office sayings, in Gungan, for you to use at work.

“Wesa puttin’ together a SWOT anaylsis.” – Let’s put together a SWOT analysis.

“Lookee dissen Gantt charta!” – Look at this Gantt chart!

“Whosa ganna take da meetin’ minutos?” – Who is going to take the meeting minutes?

“Do yousa haf any snippyclips?” – Do you have any scissors?

“Hair, let my hand yousa da snippyclips.” – Here, let me hand you the scissors.

“Whosa has da snippyclips?” – Who has the scissors?

“hand mesa da snippyclips, pleasa.” – Hand me the scissors, please.

“Mesa staplen dat.” – I’ll staple that.

“Tis whata tis.” – It is what it is.

“Wesa makin’ muy muy mula dissen quarter!” – This will be our most profitable quarter ever.

“Send mesa da TPS report pronto!” – Send me the TPS report immediately.

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