International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

George Lucas’ thoughts on Jar Jar’s post Revenge of the Sith fate

What did George Lucas think happened to Jar Jar Binks after Episode III?[]

Winners Announced in The Great Queen Julia and Jar Jar Binks Wedding Art Contest!

Winners have been announced in The Great Queen Julia and Jar Jar Binks Wedding Art Contest.[]

Voting is now open for The Great Queen Julia and Jar Jar Binks Wedding Art Contest!

Check out the great entries we received for The Great Queen Julia and Jar Jar Binks Wedding Art Contest and vote for your favorite.[]

The Great Queen Julia and Jar Jar Binks Wedding Art Contest

Enter The Great Queen Julia and Jar Jar Binks Wedding art contest.[]

Jar Jar Haiku #10

For our 10th Jar Jar centric Haiku we honor one of the most romantic Star Wars couples: Jar Jar and Queen Julia. Han and Leia have nothing on these two![]

Have a Bombad International Kissing Day!

So apparently today is International Kissing Day! Now there have been a LOT of great kisses in the Star Wars universe – Han and Leia on Bespin, Luke and Leia on Hoth, Padme and Anakin on Geonosis – but no kiss is more memorable than the one between Jar Jar Binks and Queen Julia from the Clone Wars Episode: The Disappeared Part 1. When Jar Jar goes to Bardata to help Queen Julia in a time of need, the two share a very passionate kiss during their first moment alone. I like to imagine that Jar Jar and Queen Julia ended up together after the events of Revenge of the Sith, and had a happy life together, but we might never know what happened for sure. In any case, we hope you have an enjoyable International Kissing Day.[]

Jar Jar’s love

Did you know that Jar Jar had a romantic interest named Queen Julia? This was revealed in “The Disappeared: Part 1” and “The Disappeared: Part 2” episodes of the Clone Wars animated series.[]