International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

The Great Heyblibber Contest Winner

So the Great Heyblibber Contest has ended and we have a winner! We only received one entry, so no need for voting, but luckily it’s a great entry! This is the “Blibbah-Blabbah” submitted by user uck_ashion on Twitter.[]

Rian Johnson open to bringing Jar Jar Binks back in a future Star Wars film

In a recent interview with Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson, Johnson was asked about his thoughts on a Jar Jar Binks comeback.[]

Check out this Great Jar Jar costume!

There’s one more Jar Jar cosplayer out there and the world is a better place for it! Kyle Lusignan, a Star Wars fan from Texas, recently obtained a promotional Jar Jar Binks statue, manufactured by Pepsi Co. and Frito Lay back in 1999 for The Phantom Menace release, and modified it so he could wear it as a costume. It took Lusignan about 2 weeks to convert the statue into a wearable form, and the pictures and videos of his recent test fitting proved to be pretty popular when he shared them on Facebook. Mr. Lusignan also shared a bunch of his photos with us, and you can see them here.[]

Ahmed Best writing book based on his experiences being Jar Jar

In a new interview with Jamie Stangroom, published on Youtube on November 7th, 2017, Ahmed Best discusses a wide variety of topics including, but not limited to: his podcast ‘The Afrofuturist’, the importance of Jar Jar in motion picture history, his many projects (directing a play, a new album), and whether he’d be willing to return to Star Wars in another movie. []

Da Sounds of Silence Lyrics

Continuing our quest to convert every song into Gunganese, here are the lyrics to The Sounds of Silence by Simon & Garfunkel if it was sung by Jar Jar:[]

The Great Heyblibber Contest Information

Draw/illustrate a Heyblibber, which has been described as a luxury version of a bongo. Jar Jar Binks mentions crashing da bosses heyblibber  in The Phantom Menace, but we never get to see one on film.  Your artwork can either be based on existing heyblibber images or be your own design of what YOU imagine a heyblibber would like like. Then submit your image via email to:[]

Jar Jar Binks Halloween E-cards

Hey palos, it’s Halloween today! If you were looking for some spooky Halloween related Jar Jar Binks E-cards, then look no further![]

Lyrics to Ironic in Gungan

Even though the next International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day is over 11 months away, I’ve occasionally been updating the database of words for the Gungan Translator on this site. A great source for Gungan words that I didn’t previously have in the translator is a series called “Episode I Adventures” written by prolific Star Wars author and editor, Ryder Windham, and released after The Phantom Menace came out in theaters.[]

Jar Jar confirmed as Snoke!

In an interview with the New York Times, Star Wars: The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson revealed an interesting piece of information: that Jar Jar Binks is secretly First Order Supreme Leader Snoke![]

Lyrics to 9 to 5 in Gungan

Smilen Labor Day ta yousas! In honor of this holiday celebrating working people and their contributions to the country, here’s Dolly Parton’s classic song about working, 9 to 5, in Gungan.[]