International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

Episode 3 of the Heyblabber Podcast is out now!

The third episode of Heyblabber Podcast is now available![]

Episode 2 of the Heyblabber Podcast is now available!

The second episode of Heyblabber Podcast is now available.[]

1 month until International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day 2019!

Remember last year, on August 20th, when we all had the post-ITLJJBD blues, and it felt like the next International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks would never come?[]

The First episode of Heyblabber Podcast is now available!

Have you always wanted a podcast devoted to Jar Jar Binks? Well your wish has been granted![]

Why not propose marriage to that special someone in your life on International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day?

Are you thinking of proposing marriage to your significant other in the coming months? Are you looking for a unique and non-clichéd way to do so? Well do I have a proposal. For YOU. Propose to that special someone in your life on International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day, speaking in Gunganese the entire time, while optionally cosplaying as Jar Jar Binks![]

Did you know Jar Jar Binks could have appeared in Ralph Breaks the Internet?

Did you know that at one point Jar Jar Binks was set to appear in Ralph Breaks the Internet, the sequel to Wreck-It Ralph, which came out this past fall? It’s true.[]

40 days until International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day 2019!

There are now only 40 days until the 4th annual International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day![]

Name the Gungan

Name this Gungan. Correct answers only. []

Ask Mesa About ITLJJBD buttons available

I’ve wanted to make some merchandise to promote International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day for awhile, and I finally went ahead and did so a few weeks ago. I ordered a box full of these “Ask Mesa About ITLJJBD” buttons to help get the word out about our favorite Star Wars related holiday.[]

65 days until International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day 2019!

There are now only 65 more days until ITLJJBD! Take this opportunity to call 65 of your closest friends and tell them all about the holiday.[]