International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

Lyrics to 9 to 5 in Gungan

Smilen Labor Day ta yousas! In honor of this holiday celebrating working people and their contributions to the country, here’s Dolly Parton’s classic song about working, 9 to 5, in Gungan.[]

Total Eclipse of the Heart Lyrics, in Gungan

Even though International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day is over, we just knew that today, the day of the Total Solar Eclipse, you’d be wondering what the lyrics to Bonnie Taylor’s popular song “Total Eclipse of the Heart” would be if it was written in Gungan. So we obliged. Enjoy![]

The Song Friday in Gungan

Ever wondered what the lyrics to the popular 2011 song “Friday” by Rebecca Black would be if it was sung by Jar Jar Binks would be? Well wonder no more:[]

Popular TV catchphrases in Gungan, Part 1

These top 10 classic TV catchprases of all time are impossible to forget, but now we’ve made them even more impossible to not remember, by translating them into Gungan. Enjoy![]

Have a Bombad International Kissing Day!

So apparently today is International Kissing Day! Now there have been a LOT of great kisses in the Star Wars universe – Han and Leia on Bespin, Luke and Leia on Hoth, Padme and Anakin on Geonosis – but no kiss is more memorable than the one between Jar Jar Binks and Queen Julia from the Clone Wars Episode: The Disappeared Part 1. When Jar Jar goes to Bardata to help Queen Julia in a time of need, the two share a very passionate kiss during their first moment alone. I like to imagine that Jar Jar and Queen Julia ended up together after the events of Revenge of the Sith, and had a happy life together, but we might never know what happened for sure. In any case, we hope you have an enjoyable International Kissing Day.[]

Star Wars TV Shows: Whosa da Boss?

When a Gungan Boss moves from the swamps of Naboo to the upscale Connecticut suburbs to take a job as a housekeeper to try and give his daughter a better life it’s… Whosa da Boss?[]

Popular Gungan driving expressions, Part 1

Ever wondered what Gungans say whilst driving their bongos and Heyblibbers around the Naboo ocean? Pretty much the same things we say, but in Gungan. See below for some common Gungan driving sayings.[]

Top 10 songs about the huffmaker

The Gungans sure do like writing songs about the wind, or huffmaker, as they call it. Here are the top 10 Gungan huffmaker songs:[]

Go Gungan Translator Chrome extension

We here at the official International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day page have developed a Chrome extension which will automatically translate the pages you browse in your Chrome browser into Gungan. We thought that this would make browsing the Internet that much more enjoyable. Although we found a couple of existing extensions which claimed to do something similar, we found them lacking in several key Gungan phrases, plus we wanted to take a crack at writing a Chrome extension ourselves.[]

Today is World Water Day

Today is World Water Day. Needless to say water is very important. To us, as well as to the Gungans.[]