International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

40 days until International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day 2019!

There are now only 40 days until the 4th annual International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day![]

Ask Mesa About ITLJJBD buttons available

I’ve wanted to make some merchandise to promote International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day for awhile, and I finally went ahead and did so a few weeks ago. I ordered a box full of these “Ask Mesa About ITLJJBD” buttons to help get the word out about our favorite Star Wars related holiday.[]

65 days until International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day 2019!

There are now only 65 more days until ITLJJBD! Take this opportunity to call 65 of your closest friends and tell them all about the holiday.[]

Have a bombad National Best Friends Day!

Once again it’s National Best Friends Day![]

The Week in Jar Jar: June 2nd – June 8th, 2019

Welcome to The Week in Jar Jar for June 2nd through June 8th, 2019![]

Jar Jar Haiku #22

Here’s our 22nd Jar Jar Haiku.  Jar Jar was banished for being clumsy, but he’s never been banished from our affections.[]

Only 75 more days until International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day 2019!

There are now only 75 days left until International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day 2019 rolls around![]

The Week in Jar Jar: May 26th – June 1st, 2019

Welcome to The Week in Jar Jar for May 26th through June 1st, 2019![]

Kanjiklub Quotes #1

One of the most popular movies amongst the Gungan people is “Kanjiklub” which features Jar Jar Binks infiltrating the notorious criminal organization is his quest to help take down the Empire. Below are some of the most iconic quotes from this movie.[]

Only 90 days until Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day!

There are now only 90 days until Interntaional Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day! How are you preparing for the big day? []