International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

Popular Gungan driving expressions, Part 1

Ever wondered what Gungans say whilst driving their bongos and Heyblibbers around the Naboo ocean? Pretty much the same things we say, but in Gungan. See below for some common Gungan driving sayings.[]

Romantic Gungan Song Lyrics, Part 1

Looking for some romantic song lyrics, in Gungan? Look no further! We’ve got some right here for you![]

Gungan Platitudes, Part 1

The Gungan people are not only grand warriors, but they also have a grand amount of wisdom![]

Popular Gungan Insults, Part 1

Want to insult someone like a Boss (Nass)? Well here are some popular insults, translated into Gungan![]

Slogans, Gunganified, Part 1

Ever wondered what some of the most popular advertising slogans would sound like, if a Gungan wrote them? Well wonder no more. Here’s a list of Gunganified slogans for you to enjoy.[]

Gungan sayings for the office, Part 2

We’re back with the second edition of Gungan sayings for the office. Let us know if there are other common office phrases you need Gunganized. And remember International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day is only 357 days away![]

Gungan pickup lines, Part 1


Gungan for school, Part 1

If you’re going to be at school on International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day, this Friday, here are some things that you can say to your classmates and teachers:[]

Gungan sayings for eating at a restaurant, Part 1


Gungan sayings for the office, Part 1

International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day is in only 5 more days. In order to prepare for this momentous occasion we’ve put together a list of common office sayings, in Gungan, for you to use at work.[]