International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

Only 90 days until Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day!

There are now only 90 days until Interntaional Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day! How are you preparing for the big day? []

20 things Jar Jar should have said to Qui-Gon after Qui-Gon insinuated he was not intelligent

20 years ago today The Phantom Menace premiered in theaters and the world discovered the lovable character of Jar Jar Binks, patron saint of the greatest Star Wars holiday, International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day. Additionally, in that same film, we were introduced to Jedi “Master” Qui-Gon Jinn, whose initial words to our favorite Gungan were rude and unacceptable.[]

Happy 20th Anniversary to The Phantom Menace!

Today is the 20th anniversary of the release of The Phantom Menace! Happy Anniversary to this wonderful film which introduced us to Jar Jar Binks.[]

Nineety-Ninee Red Balloonos lyrics

The other day I heard the classic 80’s song 99 Red Balloons and naturally couldn’t help thinking, as I do now for everything, “What would those lyrics be in Gungan?” So naturally I translated it. Here are the lyrics. []

The Week in Jar Jar: May 5th – May 11th, 2019

It’s The Week in Jar Jar for May 5th through May 11th, 2019![]

Interest in a Boss Nass film at an all time high

This week Disney announced the release dates for the next 3 Star Wars films after The Rise of Skywalker. These films, each listed as “Untitled Star Wars”, will debut in December 2022, 2024, 2026.[]

Celebrate the Fourth Day of May, Gungan style!

Celebrate May the Fourth, the most Gungan way possible.[]

Iconic Gungan movie quotes #1

Ever wondered what some of your favorite movie or TV show quotes would sound like if Jar Jar spoke them? We have too, so we’ve translated some of them into Gungan for you. Enjoy![]

Have a bombad Easter 2019!

We hope everyone is having a smilen Easter today! This year we attempted to draw Jar Jar on one of our eggs before dyeing it. The results are questionable, and then we dropped it and cracked it, so it didn’t end up getting dyed anyway. []

The Week in Jar Jar: April 14th – April 20th, 2019

It’s The Week in Jar Jar for April 14th through April 20th, 2019![]