International Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day

Go Gungan Translator Chrome extension updated to version 2.1

One of the most common suggestions we’ve had for improving our Go Gungan Translator Chrome extension is the addition of the ability to easily turn it on or off, because I guess sometimes you might not want everything to be in Gungan (I don’t know why). Well we took your feedback into consideration and we’ve now made it so you can turn off the extension just by clicking on the Go Gungan Translator icon in your toolbar. See the images below on how the icon should look if the extension is turned on or off.

We hope you find the tool even more useful now.

Version 2.1 is the latest version, so if you don’t have it, make sure you update your extensions. And if you haven’t downloaded it let, please try it out. As always, let us know your feedback and issues or concerns you may have.


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